As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. The work to be submitted has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for consideration to another journal The submission file must be only in the mentioned format. Such as OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, PDF or WordPerfect document file format
Manuscripts are to be submitted by the author himself through an online submission system. Submissions by anyone other than the author will be rejected
The title, author's name(s), affiliations, abstract, and a list of keywords. Main title heading is Times New Roman with size 18pt. Normal heading is Times New Roman with size 12pt. Text should be written in Times New Roman with size 10pt. All manuscripts must contain the essential elements such as abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods. Moreover, results, conclusions, artwork, with tables and captions are needed to convey your manuscript in a proper manner. Please write your work in error-free English.
The title is to be written in full, without any abbreviations. It is to be concise and informative.
The author is to check the following at all times: That the first name and surname are accurate in spelling. That the address is written, the address where the actual research and analyzation was done. All affiliation are to be in lower-case superscript. The postal address of each affiliation is present. This will include the country name and the e-mail address of the author.
A clear and factual abstract is advised. It should summarize the purpose of the research work, the result, and the main conclusion. It should be written in a way that will allow it to be presented on its own. Therefore, it is advised for the references to be left out. If the reference is crucial, cite the author(s) and the year(s). Abbreviations especially that are uncommon should be avoided.
Following the abstract, a maximum of 8 words should be provided using American spelling. Plural terms such as ‘and’ and ‘of’, as well as multiple concepts should be avoided. The keywords would be used for indexing purposes.
The introduction should convey the main objective of the work while providing adequate material background whilst avoiding an extensive literature summary of all the results.
In the interest of possible future reproduction of the work, sufficient relevant information should be provided. Those methods that have already been published should be clearly marked with a reference. Only modifications should be described.
The theory section of the manuscript should not repeat the background, introduction or any other part of the manuscript. On the contrary, it should extend it. The calculation section should present the numerical and practical information based on the theoretical information.
Results are to be clear and concise.
This should study and explore deeper the significance of the results of the work, but in no way repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is recommended. As well as, avoidance of extensive citations and discussion of published material.
The Conclusion section is to be short and should be used to present the main points of the manuscript. This section may stand alone or to be able to form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.
All references should be numbered in the text using square brackets. Plus, they should be listed in the REFERENCES section following the same order in which they appear in the text. Below is an example: [1] García, J.I., Sepúlveda, S. and Noriega-Hoces, L. (2010) Beneficial Effect of Reduced Oxygen Concentration with Transfer of Blastocysts in IVF Patients Older than 40 Years Old. Health, 2, 1010-1017.
Research Paper Survey Paper Informative Article Case Studies Review Papers Comparative Studies Dissertation Chapters Research Proposals or Synopsis M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis
A strict blind peer-review system is followed by all JARAP journals. This means that the reviewers responsible for reviewing a certain manuscript are not aware of the author’s identity. This policy was recently added to the already existing set of guidelines and is meant to prevent any sort of favoritism that might occur. Once a reviewer is selected from a list of experts in specific fields, they analyze the submitted research work based on different aspects such as quality, originality, and academic standards.Plus, technical content, documentation and the significance to the scope of the journal.
The submitted manuscript implies that it has not yet been published elsewhere. The exception is only published lectures or a published thesis. All forms of work published by JARAP Group fall under the Terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. It is therefore permitted for anyone to copy, distribute in any form, transmit and adapt by all means provided the right source and citation are mentioned.